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Technical Notes

WMO Weather Icons explained

WMO Weather Icons explained

We use WMO weather icons to display present weather information in all of our products. This overview table contains all icons, the official code, and where available, the corresponding METAR code. Ta…

Use multiple AeroWeather complications on the Apple Watch

Use multiple AeroWeather complications on the Apple Watch

Starting with version 3.5.1 of AeroWeather (September 2022) the behaviour of adding/managing complications for the Apple Watch has changed. You can now add multiple complications for different station…

METAR Plot Widget explained

METAR Plot Widget explained

METAR Plot Complications for Apple Watch

METAR Plot Complications for Apple Watch

When using METAR Plot on your Apple Watch you can also access weather data for your favourite station directly on your watch face.  Two different complications are supported: graphic rectangular …

Highlighting in raw METAR/TAF

Highlighting in raw METAR/TAF

Highlighting relevant information in raw METAR and TAF helps to faster browse through them. Any keyword can be defined to be highlighted in one of the predefined colors (in “settings > fo…

Alert notifications in AeroWeather Lite & Pro

Alert notifications in AeroWeather Lite & Pro

Internet access is required to view, create, and edit alerts. There’s is currently no limitation on the number of alerts per station. Alerts are not synchronized among devices (even with cloud sy…

AeroWeather Meteograms In-Depth

AeroWeather Meteograms In-Depth

For a better understanding of the new meteograms in AeroWeather, we want to give some insights on how data is collected and interpreted. This should help you get more out of this additional and valuab…

Siri Shortcuts for METARs

Siri Shortcuts for METARs

With Siri shortcuts you can request a METAR read-out (ATIS like) thru Siri. For example you would say “Hey Siri, METAR for Boston” to ask Siri to fetch, read, and display the METAR. For each airp…

ISA Deviation

ISA Deviation

ISA temperature deviation is now shown next to the actual temperature. Flying in ISA-plus temperatures can have a negative impact on performance. Consider the following example for Jundiai airport (SB…

Runway Wind Components

Runway Wind Components

Wind components are calculated based on the latest METAR.  Values on the left side show either speed of tailwind or headwind and the arrow indicates the direction of the wind. The color of the de…

Watch Complication Codes

Watch Complication Codes

Now we offer even more possibilities to customize complication display (depending on the complication type). There are indicators for present weather, wind, ceiling and visibility.  Use the setti…

NOTAM Indicators

NOTAM Indicators

With the latest release of AeroWeather Pro we have unified the NOTAM layout on AeroWeather Pro and AeroNOTAM.  The two indicators next to the VFR/IFR symbols might not be that well known: NOTAM Scope …